Are these the Miss Walnes you’re looking for?

Check it out! #52Ancestors Week 14 “In a long list of 1825 [Norwich] Public Library members, I was delighted to find my distant aunt, ‘Miss Walne of Whitlingham’, whose name is printed beside many other Georgian citizens. She was something of a minority as a female (women appear to make up less than ten perContinueContinue reading “Are these the Miss Walnes you’re looking for?”

Even more Norfolk Records on FindMyPast

Evening all, a very important FindMyPast Friday today. I’m pressed for time so I shall simply post the release here: Findmypast Publishes New Norfolk Parish Registers Online  ·         Findmypast has added over 1.4 million new additions to their collection of Norfolk Parish Registers ·         Released in partnership with the Norfolk Record Office, this recent update adds overContinueContinue reading “Even more Norfolk Records on FindMyPast”

150 years ago: The Bath Bachelors’ Ball

Mr Alfred Septimus Walne and a little ‘flirting’. From the Western Daily Press (22 February 1867, Page 3): The biennial ball given by the bachelors of Bath took place last night at the Assembly Rooms. The whole of the magnificent suite of apartments was in use, and splendid, chaste, and costly ornaments gleamed from every nookContinueContinue reading “150 years ago: The Bath Bachelors’ Ball”

Smallburgh: A Story of the Trorys

Nestled between Wroxham and Hickling, just under 15 km north east of Norwich, Smallburgh misses much of the tourist traffic heading to honey pot locations. Perhaps for that reason, this is a lovely part of the world. Today the village is, as it’s name might lead you to believe, a small place in terms ofContinueContinue reading “Smallburgh: A Story of the Trorys”

My mantra: 200 year old advice from a Norfolk yeoman

I have a ‘motto’ stuck to the divider around my desk. When I was about ten I diligently learnt it off by heart and have tried to live by the sentiments ever since. The motto came from a family letter written by my Great Great Great Grandfather’s brother and I first became aware of itContinueContinue reading “My mantra: 200 year old advice from a Norfolk yeoman”

A drink on them: Pubs and Breweries of Norwich past

It was with sadness that I noted another pub – The Marquee in Norwich – closing its doors a week or so ago. Once the Shirehall and then the One & Only, the Marquee provided a haunt for me throughout university and since. Unfortunately it’s not such an unusual occurrence these days to hear aboutContinueContinue reading “A drink on them: Pubs and Breweries of Norwich past”

Uncle Thomas: Legend of Happisburgh (in more ways than one)

For this, my second blog installment of the week denoting memorable ancestors, I turn to an uncle by marriage, Rev Thomas Lloyd.  Those that have heard of Happisburgh (pronounced ‘Hayes-brough’) often first think about homes at the top of cliffs and coastal erosion. However, there is of course far more to the village. A coupleContinueContinue reading “Uncle Thomas: Legend of Happisburgh (in more ways than one)”

Cousin Albert Septimus: Queen Victoria’s Consul in Cairo

To celebrate a few days of uninterrupted research, this week I hope to make up for a couple of weeks’ blog absence with a series of posts about a few of my more intriguing ancestors. While I am fascinated by people of all places, occupations, walks of life and circumstances there are some that forContinueContinue reading “Cousin Albert Septimus: Queen Victoria’s Consul in Cairo”

Big Cats, the Black Shuck and Rampaging Elephants: Norfolk’s Menagerie

This week, the local news once again featured a sighting of a Big Cat (capitals added for effect) in Norfolk. Those of us from these parts have seen a large number of these reports in the press in recent years, and indeed going back further – move over Beast of Bodmin! Norfolk and Suffolk haveContinueContinue reading “Big Cats, the Black Shuck and Rampaging Elephants: Norfolk’s Menagerie”

The Rise, Decline, and Rise Again (?) of Market Gardens

Last spring, some colleagues and I began a gardening group in the grounds of our workplace growing potatoes, onions, squash and a little bit of everything else we fancied. Some of us were completely clueless (myself included – I entered into the lunchtime activities armed only with an iPhone app) while others already knew aContinueContinue reading “The Rise, Decline, and Rise Again (?) of Market Gardens”